History and philosophy

Dive into the world of yoga’s history and philosophy, where we explore the roots and deeper meanings behind this ancient practice. This page offers insights into how yoga began, its evolution over thousands of years, and the key philosophical ideas that shape yoga today.

Learn about the original teachings from ancient texts like the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. These texts guide us through the principles of yoga, showing us how to live with peace, balance, and harmony.

But it’s not all about the past. We also look at how yoga’s old wisdom can help us in modern times. Whether it’s dealing with stress, finding inner peace, or living a more mindful life, the lessons from yoga’s history and philosophy are timeless and relevant for everyone.

We aim to make yoga’s rich philosophical teachings accessible to all. Discover how applying yoga’s ancient wisdom can improve your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being today.

Ancient yoga pose inspired by traditional Indian art, embodying grace and discipline against a serene, historically rich backdrop.

From Sacred Rituals to Modern Mats: The Fascinating Evolution of Yoga

Yoga stop

Yoga, an ancient practice that began in India, has become a global passion, touching the lives of millions across the ...